Friday, October 2, 2015

Game Narrative Case Study

Red Dead Redemption is a narrative based story about John Marston, a former outlaw who must do a few favors for the United States government before he is let off the hook. The game is an open world style game. You can travel through towns, swamps, forests, mountains, and deserts, trying to complete the favors that the U.S. government wants.
You, as John Marston must do what is best for your family and redeem your good name(
The plot of Red Dead Redemption picks up with you arriving by train to the town of Blackwater where you meet a few U.S. Marshalls that have taken you from your family. The only way to get back to them and clear your record is if you track down your old gang members. Throughout the story, you meet other characters, fight thieves and criminals, wrangle lost cattle, hunt wild animals, and fight for your freedom. While following the storyline, you are also allowed to take part in other optional events. These events could be poker games, cries for help from citizens in need, wild animal attacks, and several other occurrences. The more missions you complete and the more events that have a positive outcome, the more fame you achieve. The whole point of the game is to be a good person and redeem a positive honor so you and your family may live in peace.
wrangling cattle
The point of view of the game is third person. Throughout most of the game, you play  from John Marston’s view. The only time you do not play as John is the very last scene. In this scene, you take the role of Jack Marston, John’s son. Other than that, the rest of the story revolves around you. During the game you have the ability to change John’s clothes, change what horse he rides, change the guns he uses, and a few other things. Point of view from other people in the game have certain effects on gameplay. There is also a moral system designed in the game. If you have high moral, more people and towns will like you. If you have less moral, townspeople might be scared of you and criminals might be helpful towards you. I like this system because you can choose to be good or bad. If you are good, then other characters might be helpful towards you during missions and such. If you are bad, criminals might give you discounts honor you more.  
Red Dead Redemption third person PoV
John Marston is a man whose past has caught up with him. Red Dead Redemption has a great story from an amazing character. It is great that each place you go and each person you meet has a struggle of their own. I love that you play as a neutral character, fighting for both good and bad. These things are reasons why this is one of my most favorite games.

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