The basis of Chapter 12 of Reality is Broken is about Mission Impossible. Jane McGonigal starts off the chapter by talking about epic wins. These are feelings that gamers achieve after facing an extreme challenge. She believes that these should not only happen in games, but in life too. This would be tough, because as Jane says, epic wins are, "few and far between"(McGonigal, 201). Life does not give you the opportunity to be a hero everyday, but when it does, jump at the chance. Your life should be full of risks and chances. The more risks you face, the more opportunity for reward. Jane wants more epic wins in the real world because as a game designer, she knows what good can come from these. I can she where she is coming from with this. A great example of epic wins in reality would be Rosa Parks. She refused to give up her seat for a white man who did not have one. This inspired something called the Montgomery bus boycott that lasted about a year. What Roas Parks did sparked civil rights movement everywhere in the south and eventually led to equality for all. This is what you call an epic win in reality. Jane McGonigal just wants nothing but the best from us and i believe that isn't too much to ask for.
Chapter 13 describes Collaboration Superpowers. She talks about how multiplayer and what good could come from them. Multiplayer games teach team work and strategy. I like her example of a game mode in the Halo games called Forge. In this game mode, you are allowed to build and create and put your mind to the test. This is what we should do in reality. Put your mind to the test, because possibilities for creating new and unique things are endless. When people get creative, amazing things can come from it. Big inventions come from people being creative, such as the sticky note, plastic, microwave ovens, velcro, super glue, and many other creations. Our mind is such a useful tool, we just have to push it and let our creative juices flow.
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